I am so glad that I was able to find time to make a blog post in my site. The main reason why I haven’t been able to update my blog is because I finally am in a job that is line with my passions. There are still a lot of things for me to learn in this new job of mine but I know I am more confident and strong with myself due to the experiences I’ve been through. In order for you to understand, I will be sharing a few realisations along the way.
Be patient with yourself.
Surrender your worries to the Lord. He will be the one to guide you to where you truly belong.
Learn to forgive yourself every time you make a mistake.
Practice self-love
Be genuinely happy
Be TRUE to yourself
Focus on yourself. No one will be there to help you except for yourself
Don’t mind what other people say about you. Those are just noise.
Learn to speak out your thoughts and opinions
Learn how to say yes to the things that’s important in your life
Keep your friends wisely
Learn to love your own body
Train your mind to see challenges as a way for you to grow
Practice kindness and positivity even though it can be hard
I hope you get to have a wonderful March and the many months to come. All I want is your happiness and your truth.
All the best,